Bibi´s Bazaar – Creatively with yarns

Bibi's bazaar, pic by Maija Toukolehto

Kupru Gallery
Sat-Sun noon to 4 pm

K U P R U G a l l e ry
Bibi´s Bazaar – Creatively with yarns

Our lovely Kupru Gallery has opened as a yarn art space for the period 7 Oct – 26 Nov. Sat-Sun noon to 4 pm. We offer a space where you can make crafts with yarn or create yarn-based artworks. The event is aimed at Onoma members and residents of Fiskars Village, but anyone interested is welcome, perhaps to leave their mark on a collaborative work.

The idea for the bazaar started as a legacy of the Bi-Ba product about the yarns in circulation in the village. Back in the 1980s, the company, which still made knitwear to order, employed home knitters in Finland and went as far as Stockholm to take measurements and orders. Customers included Tove Jansson. The business faded as mass production and imports of textiles increased in the 1980s. Now the yarns of the Bi-Ba product live on creatively in Bi-Bi’s bazaar.

The Bibi Bazaar will take shape and evolve during the autumn. It will be visited by people working with yarn, and interested makers can come for workshops or demonstrations on techniques, materials and other related topics. During the bazaar’s opening hours, it is possible to buy, sell, exchange and donate yarns.

The gallery space will be the setting for a guest book-type collaborative exhibition, which all visitors can take part in.

Come and make your own yarn works and artworks freely with your own supplies and techniques. Shared materials will also be available. More information about the workshops, demonstrations and visit will be available in the autumn via the village email and Onoma channels.

Bibi will bring together makers, designers, commissioners, end users and interested viewers.




KUPRU GALLERY: Kuparivasarantie 5 F, Paja-aukio, Kuparipaja, 10470 Fiskars.
