125% exhibition

Fiskars village

The theme of the 125% exhibition is the artists’ relationships to their residence or work place, Fiskars. The participating artists have contemplated during their work processes on the significance of their work and the location in Ruukki as well as searched for meaningful places for themselves. For example, the corner of the house, the river, the park bench and the cover of the well are places where the pieces have been born.

The exhibition has sought to find interesting and new places for meetings between art and the environment and aims to create a genuine experience of participation, the real Ruukki and the people behind Ruukki, for example the people behind the Culture of Eden in Finland – Award to the exhibition visitors.

The idea of ​​the exhibition started with the idea of ​​making an open exhibition to all the members of the cooperative, taking into consideration 125% of the versatile artists and opportunities of Fiskars Ruukki.

The members of the co-operative have either made their work alone or as part of a working group. In the working groups there are also members outside ONOMA.

125% is also open as a an exhibition space – it spreads around Ruukki, outdoor,- and indoors, land, sea, forest and air. The locations are open to the public, and the works are displayed in the public space. Some of the works are performing arts and the dates of the works are announced in the official publicity channels of the exhibition.
